Our worldwide supplier network

We maintain a worldwide network of suppliers in order to always have efficient and innovative products in our program. For many partner companies we have taken over exclusive sales and support obligations for Germany and partly also Austria and Switzerland. With others, we are linked by a cooperation for individual products or product areas. We make one fundamental demand on each of our cooperations: the products must provide a very special benefit for our customers, either on their own or in combination with our services. Here you will find a list of our suppliers and manufacturers. Use the links to visit their homepage.

Spark Holland

With Spark Holland we have a long-standing cooperation. The company has become a world-class provider of innovative sample introduction, extraction and separation technology for analytical systems such as HPLC, MS, GC and NMR. Spark proactively collects user feedback and tries to understand the typical problems in the analytical laboratory. This allows the focus on product development towards simplicity and reliability. Since 2018 we are exclusive dealer for the Online SPE Technology and support the sales activities of our partners worldwide. Together with the software CHRONOS we have a complete range of products to continue and expand this business area of Spark Holland as CHRONECT Symbiosis.

Your application area

Topic: Biotechnology & Life Sciences

Product category: Dried Blood Spot Sampling

The analysis of blood samples must urgently be carried out quickly and reliably. Automated procedures guarantee this.


Dried blood spot sampling via FTD™ - a revolution for clinical and pharmaceutical sample processing

Product category: Liquid chromatography and SPE

We offer a variety of solutions to simplify and automate complex sample preparations. These include valve connections, solid-phase extraction, e.g. automated online SPE of components from complex matrices, and application-specific equipment and programming of the sample robotics.

Gradient pump SPH1299

Powerful UHPLC pump up to 1300 bar with priming pump and integrated piston backwash pump

Our solutions

Topic: Analysis techniques

Product category: LC and LC/MS

In addition to a powerful sampler, a pump system adapted to the application is a must. Such a combination is optimally complemented by sophisticated sample handling options, such as online sample preparation and the necessary hardware for multidimensional chromatography or fraction collection.

Gradient pump SPH1299

Powerful UHPLC pump up to 1300 bar with priming pump and integrated piston backwash pump