Our worldwide supplier network

We maintain a worldwide network of suppliers in order to always have efficient and innovative products in our program. For many partner companies we have taken over exclusive sales and support obligations for Germany and partly also Austria and Switzerland. With others, we are linked by a cooperation for individual products or product areas. We make one fundamental demand on each of our cooperations: the products must provide a very special benefit for our customers, either on their own or in combination with our services. Here you will find a list of our suppliers and manufacturers. Use the links to visit their homepage.

Pyrol AB

The core competence of the Swedish company Pyrol AB lies in the pyrolysis of complex samples. Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of a material in an inert atmosphere, i.e. without the presence of oxygen. Pyrolysis allows a non-volatile material to be analysed in a gas chromatograph by examining the pyrolysis products, often by mass spectrometry. The samples may be insoluble, dark or inhomogeneous and may contain synthetic and natural polymers, such as vulcanised rubber, resins and composites. Paper, coal, textiles and paints are examples of materials that are successfully analysed by analytical pyrolysis. Different pyrolyzers use different heating methods, which in turn determines which temperature gradients and heating programs are possible. In the pyrola-pyrolysis systems, the sample is placed directly on a platinum thread which is heated by a strong current pulse. This offers maximum flexibility and possibilities that are not available with other systems. The same sample can be pyrolyzed repeatedly with short heat pulses, with GC running between the individual pulses. This facilitates interpretation and provides new insights when analyzing complex samples. The result of many years of research and development are particularly sophisticated systems for pyrolysis.

Your application area

Topic: Product control and materials research

Product category: Polymer analysis

For the analysis of polymers, pyrolysis systems and multi-injection systems can be used in particular.

Pyrola 2000

Flexible platinum foil pyrolysis system for the analysis of organic solids

Our solutions

Topic: Analysis techniques

Product category: Pyrolysis and thermodesorption

The composition of materials or false odours play a special role in materials research and forensics.

Pyrola 2000

Flexible platinum foil pyrolysis system for the analysis of organic solids