Our worldwide supplier network

We maintain a worldwide network of suppliers in order to always have efficient and innovative products in our program. For many partner companies we have taken over exclusive sales and support obligations for Germany and partly also Austria and Switzerland. With others, we are linked by a cooperation for individual products or product areas. We make one fundamental demand on each of our cooperations: the products must provide a very special benefit for our customers, either on their own or in combination with our services. Here you will find a list of our suppliers and manufacturers. Use the links to visit their homepage.


Bruker Daltonik is a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative analysis systems based on mass spectrometry. The product portfolio includes MALDI-TOF, ion traps, QTOF and FTMS as well as GC/TQ, ICP/MS and LC/TQ. These products originated from the acquisition of Varian in 2010, have been consistently developed further since then and today represent the most powerful systems on the market. Above all, they are a valuable addition to our CHRONECT Workstations.

Our solutions

Topic: Analysis techniques

Product category: GC and GC/MS

We cooperate with different manufacturers and assemble complete measuring stations according to the requirements of the respective application. Complete solutions from sample preparation to evaluation and a comprehensive range of training courses are as much a part of our service as competent customer service and dedicated customer support.

Bruker Evoq GC-TQ

Robust Triple Quad technology for sensitive detection in complex matrices