Our worldwide supplier network

We maintain a worldwide network of suppliers in order to always have efficient and innovative products in our program. For many partner companies we have taken over exclusive sales and support obligations for Germany and partly also Austria and Switzerland. With others, we are linked by a cooperation for individual products or product areas. We make one fundamental demand on each of our cooperations: the products must provide a very special benefit for our customers, either on their own or in combination with our services. Here you will find a list of our suppliers and manufacturers. Use the links to visit their homepage.

Justice Innovations Software

For 35 years, the Justice Laboratory Software department of this company has been developing and designing superior chromatography data systems capable of acquiring chromatography data from any available chromatograph. The Chromperfect brand is known for these systems, chromatography application software and data acquisition devices.

Our solutions

Topic: Automation and sample preparation

Product category: Software

Intelligent software increases the efficiency of chromatography. Therefore, we integrate market-known software packages and develop powerful and customer-oriented software solutions ourselves to meet the requirements in the laboratories.


Clear and powerful data system for single or multi-instrument chromatography

Topic: Analysis techniques

Product category: Software

Intelligent software increases the efficiency of chromatography. Therefore, we integrate market-known software packages and develop powerful and customer-oriented software solutions ourselves to meet the requirements in the laboratories.


Clear and powerful data system for single or multi-instrument chromatography