During sample preparation, samples are often processed sequentially one after the other. This leads to waiting times during which, among other things, the chromatographs are not used. In addition, different devices and software for control, processing and evaluation must be operated. CHRONOS, the master of time, organizes parallel processes and combines sample preparation and analysis in one user interface.
Parallel processes in sample preparation
CHRONOS controls sample preparation and analysis in such a way that the sample preparation of several samples is nested. This increases the utilization of the instrument while maintaining the time margins of each individual sample preparation. A user-friendly interface minimizes the number of parameters that need to be changed depending on the context. The relevant values are recorded in tabular form and can be changed by the user. In this way, a complete sample list can be created conveniently in just a few steps. Fixed parameters can be adjusted in the method editor if required. The sample list for autosampler control is linked to that of the data system, so that the user only has to manage one sample list. CHRONOS is therefore particularly suitable for complex multi-stage sample preparation procedures.
Comprehensive functionalities
- Management of multiple sample lists
- Management of preferred samples
- Personalizable sample list with easily customizable user-specific interfaces
- Easy navigation through task bundling
- Convenient functions for creating task lists
- Free selection of units with useful suggestions
- Simple cut/copy/paste functions
- Automatic protocols for fast control
- Optimized time sequence, especially in combination with the barcode reader
- CSV import option, e.g. for LIMS integration
- Simple pdf-creation from the method
- Access to xlsx files in read and edit mode
- Improved keyboard shortcuts within the sample list
- Extended print options and improved printing of sample lists
- Sending SMS notifications
- Interfaces to many external software
Controllable chromatography and MS data systems
- Sciex Analyst 1.41 and higher
- Bruker MS Workstation 8.2
- Waters MassLynx 4.1
- Thermo Omnic 9
- Agilent MassHunter B07, B06 (GC)
- Agilent MasshHunter LC
- DataApex Clarity 3.0 and higher
- Shimadzu LabSolutions
- Chromperfect 6.0.1 and higher
- GL Sciences Evolution Workstation
- Thermo Xcalibur 1.4 to, LC and GC
- Agilent ChemStation, GC, LC and MSD
- OpenLab ChemStation C01.06 and C01.07
- EZChrom 3.21 and higher
- Import and export of sequences in ChemStation and Xcalibur or cvs format
- Direct integration into LIM systems from ICD
Application examples
- All CHRONECT systems
- Headspace
- ITEX Dynamic Headspace
- Derivatization
- Automatic H53 extraction
- Online SPE
- Multidimensional chromatography
- Matrix separation by SPE
- Derivatization with fluorescence tags
- Rapid separation of active compounds in pharmaceutical research
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