The evaluation of chromatograms poses a number of challenges for users in the analysis of MOSH/MOAH. Thomas Funke is one of the most experienced MOSH/MOAH experts in Germany. Under his leadership the software Chrolibri was developed for this special analysis.
Challenges of MOSH/MOAH analytics
An integration software for MOSH/MOAH analysis must solve various tasks that go beyond the normal integration of single peaks:
- Wide, chromatographically unresolved peak collections, so-called Humps or Unresolved Complex Mixtures (UCM), must be able to be integrated.
- Sharp peaks on these humps must be subtracted.
- It must be possible to divide the humps into retention time ranges that correlate with the chain length of n-alkanes. These individual ranges must be integrated separately.
- MOSH and MOAH chromatograms must be easily superimposed.
- Manual post-integration must be easily possible at any time.
- The baseline must be flexible and easily adaptable.
- It must be possible to subtract a blank value chromatogram.
- All these parameters must be flexibly configurable.
Chrolibri offers a solution for exactly these challenges.
User-friendly navigation
After starting Chrolibri, the main window appears. In the upper area it shows the sequence list of the data files to be analyzed. Additional chromatograms or sequence lists can be opened quickly and easily using a file explorer. In the lower area you can see the chromatogram window. There the MOSH channel and the MOAH channel of the analysis are displayed parallel or superimposed. In addition to the chromatogram window, the parameters, analysis method and results of the analysis are displayed in various tabs. In addition, the results are shown in the sequence list. The structure of this window can be freely configured by the user. Modules can be shown or hidden. This allows direct access to all functions of the analysis. The results of the analysis are immediately visible. Every user can adapt the system to his preferences: fast, easy, efficient.
Method Editor - preconfigured and customizable
The method editor is used to define the basic parameters of the analysis, such as
- The internal standards for verification and quantification.
- The retention time ranges for the different hydrocarbon fractions.
- The conditions for the automatic verification of the verification standards.
Chrolibri comes with pre-configured methods that, for example, map the requirements of DIN EN 16995. If required, however, all parameters can be easily adjusted by the user.
Easy data import and documentation of the results
The CHRONECT Workstations MOSH/MOAH are equipped with Clarity. Chrolibri can read the files directly from this data system. LabSolutions and OpenLab are in preparation. Data from other data systems can be easily imported using the AIA format. For the documentation of the results Chrolibri offers customizable reports, which can contain both the numerical results and the chromatograms. The reports can be printed or saved as pdf-file. An interface for transferring the result data to LIMS rounds off the functional range of Chrolibri.
From users for users
Chrolibri can be combined with the Hump Inspector software and is the ideal tool for all users of the CHRONECT Workstation MOSH/MOAH. The software package is based on the evaluation of thousands of MOSH/MOAH chromatograms. At the same time, it integrates the latest developments and conventions in the field of MOSH/MOAH analysis. It offers a powerful, easy-to-use solution for analysis - simply by users for users.